Kentwood, MI 49512 (616) 207-6627

Construction Cleanup Tips to Ensure a Safe Move

Secure Your Place!

If you’re certainly thinking of building a new home or renovating an old one, proper house construction cleanup is essential. In actuality, it’s essential! Even if you have the means to buy the best furnishings and materials for your house, if you don’t maintain them, you are wasting your money! Here are some tips for ensuring a clean and safe move and some information on the importance of cleaning up after new home construction.

Clean the Ceiling

The ceiling of the room should always be your starting point while cleaning. Blowing them up will cause dust and debris from the construction to fall to the ground, where you may subsequently pick them up when you clean that region. The dust from the construction would have all fallen to the ground if you started cleaning the floor from the bottom up because, by the time you cleaned the ceiling, you would have to start over from the bottom up. To avoid performing the same thing twice and to save time, working your way down from the top is a fantastic strategy.

Wash Windows

For new windows, it could be essential to remove the stickers, but you should hold off until after you’ve washed them. It could be a good idea to leave the stickers in place as long as no one is dwelling on the property since they can protect the glass. To avoid harming any tracks where the window glides open, you should use additional attention when washing the windows. The windows may feel outmoded and become difficult to open and close if the tracks in these regions are not kept clean from construction dust.

Vacuum Vents

Construction dust has a tendency to completely block ventilation systems, so it is advisable to make sure they are as clean as possible before turning them on. They can switch on and spray out a lot of construction dust if you don’t clean them carefully, ruining all of your cleaning efforts or furniture. Because of the inconvenience and potential health risks this would bring about, those who are on your land will suffer.

If you are looking for a construction cleanup company in Kentwood, MI, Pristine Cleans LLC is the one to call. We offer reliable cleaning services. Just call (616) 207-6627 for more information.

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