Kentwood, MI 49512 (616) 207-6627

Residential Cleaning Tips for Bedrooms

What Are the Cleaning Activities Needed for Bedroom Cleaning?

A clean bedroom is proven to reduce stress levels and induce peaceful uninterrupted sleep. Your bedroom is, after all, where you rest and sleep, meaning the presence of dirt, clutter, or germs can affect your health. Studies have shown that a clean bedroom, as mentioned above, can improve the quality of your sleep. Thus improving your health and mood. So when it comes to residential cleaning, bedrooms must be given just as much attention as kitchens and bathrooms.

However, for some homeowners, keeping their bedrooms spick and span is easier said than done. So, some turn to professional cleaning companies. But, if you are not in a position financially to go that route, and need some guidance, read on.

Here are some cleaning tips when it comes to cleaning bedrooms; try them if you want to ensure your bedroom is a healthier place to use.

Arrange the Supplies

Before you begin cleaning, first gather all your supplies. Here are a few tools you should have on your supply list.

  • Wet cloth;

  • Broom and mop;

  • Scrubbing sponge;

  • Microfibre duster;

  • Water in bucket;

  • Baking soda and vinegar;

  • Isopropyl alcohol or hydrogen peroxide;

  • A long-handled broom;


Removing clutter from bedrooms is the first step to make when you want your bedroom to look organized and clean. Arrange three baskets or boxes to carry out the decluttering process, and one basket is to keep everything that doesn’t actually belong in the bedroom.

Remove the Dust from Surfaces

Once you have finished with the decluttering, it is time to remove the dust from different surfaces. So, always begin with the ceiling corners and fans. Use a broom to remove cobwebs and dust; once done, wipe the light fittings, clock, picture frames, and any other items that adorn the walls and ceiling.

For information about the residential cleaning services and products Pristine Cleans LLC has to offer, please do not hesitate to dial this number (616) 207-6627 now we are based in the Kentwood, MI area.

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