Kentwood, MI 49512 (616) 207-6627

Things in People’s Houses That Residential Cleaning Professionals Always Notice

Unclean Spaces in Your House

It doesn’t matter if it’s spring cleaning, New Year’s cleaning, post-holiday cleaning, or back-to-school cleaning—there is never a bad time to properly clean your entire home. But how often do you clean everything? Some of the specialists in residential cleaning share what they learn about the things they frequently observe in people’s houses.

Dust on Hard Surfaces

Hard surfaces, such as tables, floors, shelves, and other furniture that easily gather dust or smudges, are one of the most obvious—and maybe most neglected—areas of the home. Giving extra attention to these places can guarantee that your home looks more presentable because they are frequently the first to get cleaned and the first to get dirty again.

Messy Kitchen Areas

Cleaning professionals always start in the kitchen, no matter how spotless the rest of your house may be. Since cooking, putting groceries away, dining, and talking all take place in the kitchen, you likely spend more time there than anywhere else in the house. Or at the very least, spending more time in one area than in any other place in your house.

Dirty Floors

The floors in your house may seem like the most apparent location to clean, but many homeowners who believe they have cleaned their floors well fail to see what professional cleaners do.


Baseboards frequently appear last on the list of things to clean, but if you pay attention to them, you’ll see that they’re major dust catchers. The first half of the struggle is recognizing them.

Dryer & A/C Vents

Vents can provide a significant risk, especially if they haven’t been cleaned routinely. It could be a good idea to include these places in your normal cleaning regimen if they aren’t already.

A residential cleaning service is always available if you don’t have the time to routinely clean your home. One of the best cleaning experts in Kentwood, MI is Pristine Cleans LLC. If you have concerns, you can always give us a call at (616) 207-6627 to book an appointment.

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